March 8th is International Women’s Day. We celebrate women for their accomplishments, strides they’ve made in history and the hurdles they had to overcome. We have such great examples like:
Madam C.J. Walker the first Black woman millionaire in America by making her homemade line of hair care products.
Annie Malone she invented liquid soap
Ellen Eglin she invented a clothes wringer for washing machines.
Lyda D. Newman She invented a durable hairbrush.
Marjorie Joyner She was a businesswoman, hair care entrepreneur, philanthropist, educator and an activist. She invented and patent a permanent hair wave machine.
These women still have a positive affect on us today and because of International Woman’s Day it increases visibility of women creatives, build inclusive work spaces so women can thrive, educate women on health choice decisions, celebrate tech women and innovations. So let’s continue to challenge ourselves.
A challenged Glamie is an alert Glamie and from Challenge comes change so let’s all choose to challenge. #GlamieSelfCareChallenge
We have a Self Care Challenge that we invite you to take part of, because Self Care is Self Love. It’s scheduled self care ideas just for the weekend so it’s not overwhelming but fun and relaxing. Click the link below for a free self care challenge guide.