3 Easy Tips To Fitting Selfcare Into Your Schedule

3 Easy Tips To Fitting Selfcare Into Your Schedule

    Glamies life can be so hecked at times that finding time to fit selfcare into our schedule seems impossible but check out these 3 Easy Tips and see if it can work for you!
  1- If you are an early raiser, one day out of the week wakeup 30mins earlier, turn on the shower and play soft music add a Shower Steamer & A shower Bouquet to your shower, give yourself an awesome body scrub (Peppermint Body Scrub) and take deep breaths of the aromatherapy and exhale slowly and enjoy the full 30 mins!


  2- If you have time on the weekend take an hour for Selfcare! Do a facial and a Mud Mask, run your bath water and drop a bath bomb in the water and relax to some soothing music and don’t forget to light a scented candle!



3- If you have 15 mins you can dry brush your entire body and massage your body with our Petal Infused Body oil. It’s very invigorating, stimulating and it increases the blood flow.


  Let me know in the comments if these tips can work for you.


Until Next Time,

XOXO, The Glamie Corner, by TJ

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I’ve had to get them used to it over time, but my family has pretty much come to understand that Sunday is my “self-care” day. I relax and do what I want to do.


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